Augmented wine experience
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All the world of Sardinian wines and more in a free app

WinePIX app iPhone mockup


WinePIX is a simple App for wine lovers. It has been developed as a first verticalization of the SHOTPIX technology.

The recognition of the wine through a photo of the label is still the key feature around which the application was developed, but today WinePIX is much more than a project based on image recognition.

Winepix is an excellent communication tool for all companies operating in the wine sector (wine producers, wineries, retailers, restaurants). Through detailed forms, organized in a clear and accessible way, WinePIX offers comprehensive information on wines, about their origin, the areas of production. Information management, carried out in collaboration with all the actors involved, ensures updated contents for the users and high visibility for the wineries.

Winepix Sardinian Wines App - iOS Android


Shorten the distances between producers and consumers and diffuse an informed wine culture.

The advantage for the wineries is that of reaching a high visibility towards a selected and highly targeted public.

Winepix is available for free on the Android Play Store and on the Apple Play Store and it can be quickly installed both on Smartphone, both on Tablets. To this day, Winepix has been downloaded by 15000 users and the latter can have access to more than 3000 wines and around 400 wineries.


WinePIX screenshots
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